Prospective multicenter surveillance study of funguria in hospitalized patients

Carol A. Kauffman, José A. Vazquez, Jack D. Sobel, Harry A. Gallis, David S. McKinsey, A. W. Karchmer, Alan M. Sugar, Patricia Kay Sharkey, Gilbert J. Wise, Richard Mangi, Ann Mosher, Jeannette Y. Lee, William E. Dismukes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

387 Scopus citations


Although fungal urinary tract infections are an increasing nosocomial problem, the significance of funguria is still not clear. This multicenter prospective surveillance study of 861 patients was undertaken to define the epidemiology, management, and outcomes of funguria. Diabetes mellitus was present in 39% of patients, urinary tract abnormalities in 37.7%, and malignancy in 22.2%; only 10.9% had no underlying illnesses. Concomitant nonfungal infections were present in 85%, 90% had received antimicrobial agents, and 83.2% had urinary tract drainage devices. Candida albicans was found in 51.8% of patients and Candida glabrata in 15.6%. Microbiological and clinical outcomes were documented for 530 (61.6%) of the 861 patients. No specific therapy for funguria was given to 155 patients, and the yeast cleared from the urine of 117 (75.5%) of them. Of the 116 patients who had a catheter removed as the only treatment, the funguria cleared in 41 (35.3%). Antifungal therapy was given to 259 patients, eradicating funguria in 130 (50.2%). The rate of eradication with fluconazole was 45.5%, and with amphotericin B bladder irrigation it was 54.4%. Only 7 patients (1.3%) had documented candidemia. The mortality rate was 19.8%, reflecting the multiple serious underlying illnesses found in these patients with funguria.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)14-18
Number of pages5
JournalClinical Infectious Diseases
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Microbiology (medical)
  • Infectious Diseases


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